WP1: Analysis of user needs and definition of the methodological framework

Task 1.1: Analysis of user needs analysis and development of the WebGIS template
Consultations and meetings for detailed recording of the end-users and stakeholders needs and practices. Development of the template for the structure and content of the WebGIS.
Task 1.2: Definition of the methodological framework - technical specifications design and definition of data needed for the forest/rural road network mapping service
Determination of the pilot application areas. Determination of the methodological framework for the service of recording and monitoring the condition of the forest/rural road network. Determination of the information flow to meet monitoring needs.
Task 1.3: System architecture
Definition of INFOROAD’s system architecture, by utilizing user requirements, scenarios of use and system specifications.

WP2: Data collection, digitization and processing

Task 2.1: Descriptive and spatial data collection
Data collection for the existing forest/rural road network.
Task 2.2: Digitization and data processing
Digitization and processing of data and information collected for the existing forest/rural road network.
Task 2.3: Field measurements
Field measurements for the recording of the characteristics and condition of the forest/rural road network.

WP3: Development of assessment models/indicators of road network status

Task 3.1: Evaluation indicators and models for the assessment of the condition of the road network
Model development for the evaluation of the road condition in relation to the soil, hydrological and climatic characteristics, and adapted to the Forest and Rural Road Construction requirements.

WP4: Development of System Structural Elements

Task 4.1: Artificial Intelligence model development
Development of machine learning models for the automated data classification and counting regarding the characteristics of the forest/rural road network, with the use of satellite images.
Task 4.2: Infrastructure development for the utilization of the produced Artificial Intelligence models
Development of the appropriate infrastructure to enable the integration of the functionalities related to the Artificial Intelligence model.
Task 4.3: Development of the web-based Geographic Information System (WebGIS) and the descriptive data geodatabase
Design and development of the WebGIS and the descriptive data geodatabase.

WP5: Interface infrastructure, graphical user interface and subsystem integration

Task 5.1: Development of Interfaces and graphical user interface
Development of the interface environment, as well as the appropriate graphical user interface for the utilization of the system’s services.
Task 5.2: Subsystems integration
Integration of devices and systems produced, for the creation and implementation of the tool and of the methods for recording, mapping and monitoring of the forest/rural road network.
Task 5.3: Functions and features verification
System testing and validation, possible improvements if needed.

WP6: Pilot implementation and transition to production process

Task 6.1: Transfer of know-how - training
Training the staff of the company-entity that will manage the system.
Task 6.2: Pilot application - Product evaluation by the end users
Pilot operation of the system in the suburban forest Seih-Su of Thessaloniki. System evaluation and corrections application.
Task 6.3: Dissemination and promotion of results
Dissemination of knowledge and results that will be produced through the duration of the project.

WP7: Final product feasibility study - Business plan

Technical Feasibility Study and Business Plan.
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